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FAQ - What dates are used for Load\Delivery Date in Billing?

Question: What dates are used for load date and delivery date in Billing?  If my pro was transferred from Dispatch, which of the Dispatch dates are brought into those fields?

The field in the database for Load date is the scheduled pickup date from Dispatch, meaning it is the date entered on the load in the load date field.

The field in the database for Delivery date is the scheduled delivery date from Dispatch, meaning it is the delivery date on the load in Dispatch.

Actual pickup date and actual delivery date are from the checkcalls, which should reflect when the load was actually picked up and delivered by checkcalls.

Custom Billing can be configured to use the actual dates by selecting that option under the Custom Billing properties.

Regular Billing can be configured to use actual dates by setting that option in Settings Manager, following these steps.
  1. Run Settings Manager, either from a shortcut on your desktop, or by selecting Start, Run and type in F:\HORIZON\SETMAN.EXE and OK  (substituting your own drive letter and directory where Horizon is loaded on your system)
  2. Click on the plus sign beside Global
  3. Click on the plus sign beside Billing
  4. Arrow down to the bottom of those Billing Options and look for "Use Actual Dates instead of Scheduled"
  5. Double click, which will bring up a box where you can edit the setting
  6. Type in Yes and click OK
  7. Exit Settings Manager
  8. Load Horizon Billing.  If you were in Horizon Billing while changing the option, you will need to exit it and go back in.

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  1. Bob Hogan

  2. Posted
