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How To - See Amount Applied When Tagging in Receipts

Objective: To see the amount being applied as you tag invoices for payment

Prerequisites: N/A

Refer To: N/A

When in Receipts, and tagging invoices for payment, there is a customizer statement that you can add to see that amount applied to each invoice, as you are tagging the invoice.  The balance due is not updated until you save.


  1. Go to Tools, Customizer, Freight Billing Files, Invoices, Contents
  2. Add a field.  The heading can be Amt Applied (or whatever you want to call it).
The expression is
iif(type("ctempcash") = "C",iif(LAPCredit .or. LAPReceipt,cspdamt(invno),pmts),pmts)

  1. If you are receiving this info via email or knowledge base article, copy the expression from the email or document and paste it into the customizer.  This will be easier than trying to type it in manually, because the expression must be typed EXACTLY as it is here.

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  1. Bob Hogan

  2. Posted
